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EMS webinars

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What is PIEZON TECHNOLOGY and why should I use it ?

Dr. Giovanni Spiezia
Dr. Giovanni Spiezia
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Prof. Magda Mensi, Dr. Hugo Madeira, Faye Donald DH, Dr. Neha Dixit, Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz DMD, Dr. Celso Da Costa , Dr. Victoria Sampson BDS MFDS RCS Ed, Dr. Steffen Rieger M.Sc., Prof. Sigrun Eick
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A dream clean adhesive regime - Applications and Implications of AIRFLOW® in Restorative Dentistry

Prof. Dr. Ian Meyers BDSc, FRACDS, FICD, FPFA, FADI
Prof. Dr. Ian Meyers BDSc, FRACDS, FICD, FPFA, FADI
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How to maximise your profitability with GBT

Dr. Celso Da Costa
Dr. Celso Da Costa
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Beat the Biofilm (COVID-19)

 Emma Jones
Emma Jones
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The New (old) Approach to Managing Caries

 Cathy Boyce Oral Health Therapist
Cathy Boyce Oral Health Therapist
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My Perspective on Being a Hygienist during COVID-19 & Beyond

 Tabitha Acret BOH
Tabitha Acret BOH
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My personal journey diagnosed with COVID-19 as a Dentist & Practice Owner/Chief Resilience Officer

Dr. Peter Fritz BSc, DDS, FRCD (C), PhD (Perio), MBA
Dr. Peter Fritz BSc, DDS, FRCD (C), PhD (Perio), MBA
webinar po zahtevu

A Team Approach to Managing Periodontitis

Dr. Wendy Gill BDSc (WA), MDSc (Perio), FRACDS (Perio), FPFA, FAD
 Jennine Bywater Dental Therapist
Dr. Wendy Gill BDSc (WA), MDSc (Perio), FRACDS (Perio), FPFA, FAD, Jennine Bywater Dental Therapist
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What is the Covid-19 crisis doing to our mental health?

Dr. Roisin McGrath DipDH, DipDT, GC-INTLHL, MPH, PhD
Dr. Roisin McGrath DipDH, DipDT, GC-INTLHL, MPH, PhD
webinar po zahtevu

Dental Implants & Neglect

Dr. Sal Shahidi BMedSc, BDent (Hons) (Syd), DClinDent (Perio), FRACDS
Dr. Sal Shahidi BMedSc, BDent (Hons) (Syd), DClinDent (Perio), FRACDS
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The do’s and don’ts of Social Media Marketing during COVID-19

 Jarrah Brailey Social Media Strategist
Jarrah Brailey Social Media Strategist