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Straumann webinars

Straumann offers a comprehensive range of products and services to dentists, clinics, dental companies and laboratories around the world. The company also offers continuing education through the Straumann Academy online platform. Webinars in German are available 24/7.

webinar po zahtevu

Gesteuerte Geweberegeneration (GTR) ohne Inzision? – Neue Möglichkeiten!

Dr. med. dent. Beat Wallkamm Fachzahnarzt für Parodontologie SSO, WBA Implantologie SSO
Dr. med. dent. Beat Wallkamm Fachzahnarzt für Parodontologie SSO, WBA Implantologie SSO
webinar po zahtevu

Always fixed?—Removable alternatives for edentulous patients

Dr. Charlotte Stilwell
Dr. Charlotte Stilwell
webinar po zahtevu

Allogene Knochenplatten – Schalentechnik 2.0?

Dr. Jochen Tunkel CODE expert
Dr. Jochen Tunkel CODE expert
webinar po zahtevu

Quality Standards in Full Arch Implant Rehabilitation

Dr. Alex Fibishenko
Dr. Alex Fibishenko
webinar po zahtevu

BLX implants with a fully guided approach

Dr. Sergio Piano
Dr. Sergio Piano
webinar po zahtevu

The little implant that could…

Dr. Joan Pi-Anfruns DMD
Dr. David Lipton
Dr. Joan Pi-Anfruns DMD, Dr. David Lipton
webinar po zahtevu

Steigerung von Effizienz und Ästhetik – Neue Wege der digitalen Implantologie

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Christian Naujoks
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Christian Naujoks
webinar po zahtevu

Introducing immediacy in your practice

Prof. Dr. Gabor Tepper
Prof. Dr. Gabor Tepper
webinar po zahtevu

on 4 or on 6? Decision making for immediate restoration in edentulous patients

Dr. Waldemar Polido DDS, MS, PhD
Dr. Waldemar Polido DDS, MS, PhD
webinar po zahtevu

Digital workflow-driven immediacy

Dr. German Gallucci
Dr. German Gallucci
webinar po zahtevu

The Implant Supracrestal Complex: a Guardian of Success or a Troublemaker?

Dr. Nikos Mattheos DDS, MASc, PhD.
Dr. Nikos Mattheos DDS, MASc, PhD.